El Chupacabra, the name of this creature translates in English as the “Goat Sucker”. This odd name is nothing but a description of the animal. The animal's attack were noticed first in the mid nineties. The creature attacks goats, it bites the goats' neck with its fanged long teeth, and then draining all of the blood from it. However it was just the beginning, soon its victims became all types of small animals, and finally small children as well. None of the human attacks were fatal, but panic had started spreading quickly throughout the country. The attacks then began in Mexico, Central America, the southern US, and South America.
Several theories were thought as to how the creature originated. Everything from extra-terrestrial pet like an alien to dwelling creatures that came to the surface by an earthquake. The most popular theory is that the monsters were created by secret US military base, that escaped in hurricane Hugo.
In March 1995, at Puerto Rico, the first attacks were reported. Eight sheep were discovered dead with three puncture wounds in the chest area and completely drained of blood.
In July 2004, a rancher near San Antonio, Texas, killed a hairless, dog-like creature, (now known as the Elmendorf creature) which he found was attacking his livestock. The creature was found to be a canine of some sort, with demodectic mange. In October of 2004, two animals resembling the same Elmendorf were seen in that area. The first was dead, and the second was noticed by a local zoologist. The zoologist was called to identify the first dead animal. Biologists in Texas were ordered to study the specimen. The creatures were determined to be canines with skin problems and facial deformities.
In Texas, Reggie Lagow a farmer had set up a trap to catch the creature responsible for death of his chickens and turkeys. To his surprise, the animal that had been caught resenbled a mix of hairless dog, rat, and kangaroo. Lagow provided the animal to Texas Parks and Wildlife officials for identification. But in a telephonic interview with the founder of Lost World Musuem, John Adolfi, Lagow reported that the "critter was caught on a Tuesday and thrown out in Thursday's trash."
A famous appearance in the city of Varginha, Brazil, (the "Varginha incident") is sometimes attributed to the chupacabra, although cryptozoologists more frequently associate the incident with aliens. In 1997, a series of chupacabra sightings were reported in Brazil. A police officer, had reported of getting nauseous feeling on sighting a chupacabra in a tree.
In April 2006, MosNews reported that the chupacabra was spotted in Russia for the first time. Thirty-two turkeys were killed and drained overnight. Reports later came from neighboring villages when 30 sheep were killed and had their blood drained. Finally, eyewitnesses were able to describe the chupacabra.
In mid-August 2006, Michelle O'Donnell of Turner, Maine, described an animal with fangs that had been found dead alongside a road. The animal was apparently struck by a car, and was unidentifiable. Photographs were taken and witness reports seem to be in relative agreement that the creature was canine in appearance, but in widely published photos seemed unlike any dog or wolf in the area. Photos from other angles seem to show a chow- or akita-mixed breed dog. It was reported that "the carcass was picked clean by vultures before experts could examine it". For years, residents of Maine have reported a mysterious creature and a string of dog maulings.
MaNy iNcIdEnTsEaRlIeR WeRe rElAtEd tO AlIeNs AtlEaSt ThIs CrEaTUrE cLeArS ThE FaCT....
ReplyDeleteThAt tHeY WErEn't aLiEnS
amazed to see that such a vicious animal was undiscovered...
ReplyDeleteoooohhhhoho somthing new 2 look on..